First Day

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All times in CEST
First Day (Thursday, October 7th)
Second Day (Wednesday, October 8th)
Charlotte Brøgger Grønvold & Janine Weijers 
State of the Union

Data Access Worldwide is executing changes to drive the growth and success of the company and our products. Chip will summarize the changes and confirm the values that will always be at the core of the company.

Chip Casanave
Email Chip
State of the Union
Chip Casanave
DataFlex 2022

DataFlex 2022 continues to expand your horizons with significant user-interface additions for your Web and Windows applications, evolutionary language improvements, tighter integration with SQL backends and enhanced performance, diagnostics and control over deployed web applications! Join us for a complete overview of what the latest step in the continuing evolution of DataFlex can offer you!

DataFlex 2022
Stephen Meeley
DataFlex Reports

DataFlex Reports is the default reporting option for DataFlex applications, for Windows, or web. At EDUC, DataFlex Reports will be at version 8.1, and Vincent will cover all changes in the product as of version 8.0, presenting new features and improvements. Perhaps, Vincent will be able to show some ‘work in progress’, new features for the upcoming release.

DataFlex Reports
Vincent Oorsprong
Diagnosing WebApp Performance

“How big a server should I get?” “What should I set my process pool to?” “What will adding an SPLF server do for performance?” If these questions sound familiar, this session is for you! The new diagnostic metrics that the WebApp Administrator provides are a game changer in determining the answers to these questions and more. Come see how they help.

Diagnosing WebApp Performance
Stephen Meeley
Hot Features

In this fast-paced presentation Harm will show off the latest additions to the web framework. See how easy it is to apply drag ‘n drop, the superlist and context menu’s in your application.

Harm Wibier
Email Harm
Hot Features
Harm Wibier
The Future of Data in DataFlex

DataFlex applications are all about data and we want to modernize how you work with data in DataFlex. During this presentation we’ll discuss some short-term features we are working on as well as some long term goals we have.

The Future of Data in DataFlex
Harm Wibier
Security by Design

Ah, security… never has a single word carried so much weight yet been so diffused in what it means! Your customers wish it were as simple as checking a box, but we all know it’s not that easy. Applications need to be designed and deployed with security in mind at many levels. We consider security in every decision we make about our products, and you should too. Join a review of how we approach the topic of security and the many security-related features, techniques, tools and updates we provide to help you deliver on this critical aspect of doing business.

Security by Design
Stephen Meeley
Saas - Here I am!

Geraldine was the prize winner at the online Anniversary Event in 2021, and EDUC in Iceland was the free event she chose to attend! We asked Geraldine to talk just a few minutes about her work with DataFlex.

Saas - Here I am!
Geraldine Dean
Small Tools - Big difference!
There are many tools and libraries available for DataFlex. In this presentation Vincent will go over the other tools and libraries available from Data Access. Recently updated tools are DataFlex DataPump and the Diagnostics, but Vincent will cover several other tools and libraries as well.
Small Tools - Big difference!
Vincent Oorsprong
Advanced Controls

Raise your applications to the next level! Use available libraries and controls to add complex functionality to your web applications - with ease. In this presentation Henri guides you through a handful of them, showcasing their capabilities and basic usage.

Advanced Controls
Henri Reterink
The Future of DataFlex

The beginning of 2022 marked an important change of the Data Access worldwide organization. Nick will share how changes affect the way DataFlex is going to be deliverd and supported. He will also provide some insight into the longer term plans for the product.

Nick Nikijuluw
Email Nick
The Future of DataFlex
Nick Nikijuluw
Developing Custom Controls

The DataFlex Web Framework comes with a rich set of components. But what if you need more? Could you use some JavaScript component you found online, or build something completely custom from scratch? Yes! These custom controls are part DataFlex, part JavaScript. Jakob shows how to build one, using the latest technologies, free from worries about browser support and complicated legacy JavaScript syntax. Get a free drop-in template to add to your DataFlex workspace and start quickly with any custom component, using the same toolchain.

Developing Custom Controls
Jakob Kruse
Single Sign On with Active Directory

With the rapid increase of available web solutions, users will be logging in to multiple systems each day. Identity Access Management has therefore become an increasingly important part of software development. One aspect of that is particularly important for end-users: Supporting Single Sign On. Sign in only once and being able to use all your applications. Jakob will explain how to offer Single Sign On for environments that need to support Active Directory.

Single Sign On with Active Directory
Jakob Kruse
Windows to Web – Episode 1

Starting a major web project can be daunting when you have limited experience with traditional web technologies. Where to start? Is knowing DataFlex alone really enough? These are the questions that Peter Bragg, a long time developer of Windows applications, recently found himself facing. And the answers? Well, we’ll let Peter tell you, as he shares his early thoughts and experiences about his progress to date.

Windows to Web – Episode 1
Peter Bragg
Security: Help from the Dark Side!

If you have paid attention to Steve’s “Security by Design” presentation, you are all safe. Well, are you? Raphael, our Friendly DataFlex Hacker, fully underlines what Steve says, but he will add some more insight from the perspective of a hacker. After you have taken the advised measures, you must test whether they are truly effective. In short: What does a hacker look for, what should you look for, or avoid. And what is no issue, because DataFlex takes care of it!

Security: Help from the Dark Side!
Raphael Theiler
Did you know
Did you know
Vincent Oorsprong
Operation Market Clean

As of April 1st, Denmark enforces compliance with EU regulations to remove any branding on cigarette packages. DSV, who is tasked with collecting all cigarettes that are in stock at more than 3000 shops and kiosks, resorted to FrontIoT for an efficient webapp to help them. Klaus will present the multiple facets of this project, that was delivered quickly under high time pressure.

Operation Market Clean
Klaus Berthelsen
Security Use Case: SecMod in Action!

DSV (logistics and warehousing) is a large organization with 75.000+ employees worldwide and DSV is a long-time DataFlex user. One of their customers, the American Tobacco company, required more granular definitions for security and password definition. Sture Andersen implemented the DataFlex Security Module, SecMod in the logistics software of DSV, and added some nice features to SecMod as well!

Security Use Case: SecMod in Action!
Sture Andersen

The FlexTron project offers DataFlex developers to build GUI Desktop applications, using web technology. In other words, your Windows fat client app can look any way you want it to!

Harm Wibier
DataFlex - How it's Made!

Have you ever wondered how DataFlex is made? What kind of tooling we use to build our Compiler, Runtime, and Studio? During this presentation Bram will be showing you how we use our build-server to get out a release. Also, with our ever-growing commitment to improve, we’ll take a look at what is to come. Using better integrated testing in the build-system, and multipipeline philosophy.

DataFlex - How it's Made!
Bram Nijenkamp
Package Manager
Package Manager
Bram Nijenkamp
Docker for Efficient Development

Did you ever get into the situation that you had to work with different versions of databases? Did you solve it by using multiple virtual machines? Bram will show how very efficiently this can be solved by using containers. We’ll look at how deployments are tested on multiple different systems in an easy to manage way!

Docker for Efficient Development
Bram Nijenkamp
DataFlex... are you there?

Wouldn’t it be nice to control your application by using voice? Johan works on a conversational interface for a hands-free application. The presentation starts out with demonstrating the application, followed by a walkthrough of how it was implemented.

DataFlex... are you there?
Johan Broddfelt
EDUC 2022 Awards, Next EDUC & Closing statements
Rob Vonsee

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